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How to Make a Career as a Professional Dancer

So you're interested in making dance your career? Here are a few tips on how to make it happen!

Step #1 Find Your Ideal Style

First thing you have to do is to find out what dance career you want.

Do you want to be a professional ballerina? Dancer on a cruise ship? Perform at amusement parks like Disney World or Busch Gardens? A dancer on Broadway? Perform at a local theatre? The options are endless!

So, go ahead and start dreaming about your future and your goals and plans!

Step #2 Begin Your Dance Resumé

Once you've figured out what job you're going for you need to start planning your resumé.

Write down all the past training you've had and performances you've done. Don't forget to mark teachers you've had and master classes and workshops you've taken!

This is also a great time as you're creating and reviewing your dance resumé to begin planning on how to make it reflect the job you're interested in.

If you're interested in dancing on a cruise ship but you don't have much performance experience start finding programs and workshops to gain that experience.

If you want to be a performer on Broadway you need to begin taking singing and acting lessons as well as dance classes.

Plan accordingly to your goals for your dream job.

Step #3 Begin the Audition Process

Once you've completed your resumé and figured out what you want to do, it's time to begin the audition process.

You should audition for companies and places that get you closer to your dream job.

If you want to be a ballerina you need to audition for companies that dance the style you like, in a location you like, and has directors that you'd like to learn from.

Find auditions that are with companies that align with your dreams and goals.

Some auditions are done in person or virtually, or by sending in videos and pictures. Make sure to get pictures and videos from good angles that show your lines and from a distance from the camera. Most photographers don't know how to take pictures of dancers, so you'll need to find a dance photographer or a friend that dances that can also take good pictures.

Step #4 The Waiting Period

Now for the hardest part. The waiting period.

You've put in all the work and done all the auditions. Now you just sit back and wait, right? Wrong! Now is the time to keep dancing and doing what you love!

Do not feel discouraged or upset if you don't hear back or you get refused, there will be more auditions and just since you didn't get accepted that first time, try, try again!

Some places have auditions even if they don't have job openings. The next year they might so keep auditioning for your dream place. Don't give up!

This is where most performers break down and give up on their dreams, but you're not going to be one of those people! You're gonna keep dancing and keep dreaming!

Things To Think About When Looking for a Performing Career

  1. Most companies look to hire performers when they're young so that they can travel and fully focus on their job. 14 years old is the time when you need to start auditioning and looking for your dream career. Don't worry if you're older than that, you're not too late! Get started now!

  2. Some auditions are "cattle call" auditions, that means it's a room full of hundreds of dancers and you can be asked to leave in the first 5 minutes of arriving. Don't feel discouraged or bad. The auditioners have a hard time trying to go through all these dancers and you need to know as soon as possible so that you can begin going to the next audition.

  3. Several auditions require you to have a solo choreographed and be prepared to perform it. Make sure that you have several in mind and have it memorized and the music is easily accessible on your phone with a cord to attach to their sound system or cd.

  4. Follow the rules! The number one way that people are refused at auditions is because they don't follow the rules. If you are auditioning for a company and they want your picture to be exactly 6x6, have your pictures 6x6. If they say you should wear a lime green leotard, go get yourself a lime green leotard. These things are put in on purpose to see how badly you actually want the job and how well you follow directions.

  5. Don't forget, you're auditioning the company as much as their auditioning you! You're going to be nervous, but just remember you're going to be seeing if you like the company as much as their looking to see if they like you. Do you like how they teach? Do you like how they communicate? If your audition is at their faculty how do you like the building? Do they offer room and board? What is their pay? Are you hired on as an apprentice or trainee, or can be hired at any level? Ask the questions and get comfortable being the auditioner for your dream career.

Hopefully these steps and tips help you start finding your dream dance career, and just remember, never give up and keep dancing!

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