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A Quick Breakdown on How To Choreograph

January and February are right around the corner and are the times when dancers begin auditioning for schools, companies, and summer programs.

Most auditions require a solo or a dance piece that you have choreographed, but you don't know the first thing about choreographing your own dance, much less a solo!

This is where we're here to help!

Here's a quick breakdown on how to choregraph and some tips on presenting it the day of the audition.

#1. Figure out What You're Going To Do

The first step is to figure out what dance style you're going to use for your solo. Now some auditions will tell you the dance style they expect your solo to be done as so this step is already done for you!

But if you have to figure out your own dance style, make sure it is a style that you are 110% confident in.

You're going to be nervous the day of the audition so might as well not be nervous about the style you are dancing as well.

#2 Find the Music

Once you've figured out what style of dance you'll be doing, it's time to find out what song you're going to choreograph to.

For some people this is easy, others it takes a little more time.

Our recommendation is to choose a song that you can't help but feel like dancing to, and one that you won't be tired of listening to, because you are going to be listening to it a LOT during this process.

A song doesn't necessarily need to match the style you are dancing, but it is helpful if you're not confident in your choreography abilities or it's your first time.

As an example, if you're doing ballet choose something that is instrumental and more classical sounding and probably steer clear from hard rock or hip hop.

#3 List your Skills

Step 3 is actually very easy and a lot of fun. Most auditions only require a solo that is anywhere between 30-90 seconds long, which isn't long, so make sure to choose steps you're good at!

The easiest way to do this is to think of the dance categories you're best at in your dance style, and then list your top 3-4 steps in each category.

For example, your dance style you've chosen is Jazz. Your top 3 categories are jumps, turns, and balancing. In the Jump category you choose barrel roll, sauté chat, and skips.

Turns you choose piqué, fouetté, and soutenu. Balances you choose to balance in retiré, in a leg hold, and in arabesque.

#4 Creating the Music

Like we said earlier, most auditions will require your solo to be anywhere between 30-90 seconds. Most songs are anywhere between 3-5 minutes so obviously you won't be using a full song.

You'll need to listen to your song a few times through to decide which 30-90 seconds you'll be using.

Maybe your song has a long enough chorus to only use that, maybe you prefer the bridge section, maybe you like the sound of the instrumental beginning into the first verse.

Wherever in the song you choose is fine, just make sure it flows nicely and you'll be okay with listening to a million times.

#5 Putting it All Together

Now that you've chosen the style, song, skills, and cut the music, it's time to put it all together!

You'll listen to the part of the song over and over. Then take from your list of skills the one you want to start with and figure out how you're going to use it and flow into it.

Some people rather listen to the song and the dance will appear in their mind without even looking or need a skill list.

Everyone is different, do the best easiest way for you.

And there you have it! Your solo will begin creating itself as you listen to the music and apply the skills you want or can picture into it.

Remember be genuine and confident in your solo. Don't second guess yourself, and stick with your gut!

You don't want your solo to be like someone else's, it needs to be YOUR solo so it needs to be like you!

Tips on Presenting Your Solo:

  1. Make sure to have your song easily accessible on your phone, a cd, or flash drive so that it can be played with out complications.

  2. Wear clothes/leotard that you feel confident in and that looks good on you.

  3. Practice your solo and clean it at least once a week prior to the audition.

  4. Run your solo before the audition, but don't over rehearse it so that you forget it with your audition nerves.

  5. Breathe and have fun! You're going to be nervous so just accept that and do your best no matter what!

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